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Chicago Sunset

Crap Day

Chicago Sunset
Originally uploaded by Pirate Alice.

Yesterday was seriously a crappy day for me. Tuesday I was home sick, scratchy throat clogged ears. Yesterday the faucet of my nose got turned on, went to work anyway. Felt exhausted. Came home from work and the basement was flooded cuz the sump-pump decided to stop working. All the empty boxes we’d be using for the next move got wet, full boxes that weren’t unpacked got wet, the TV that is not currently being used got wet. Yeah, lots of wet stuff. Fun way to end the day.

UPDATE: The flood was not caused by the failure of the sump-pump, it was actually a frozen pipe.

At work, everyone was given a $100 Visa Gift Card by one of our most used vendors. Unfortunately no one can activate the gift cards cuz we don’t know what phone number was used to order the cards. “Here’s $100, but you can’t spend it!”

and the kicker of the day… Well, let me just say this. Anyone who sends someone a letter and hides behind an invalid email as well as an incomplete return address/fake name is a coward. Nothing said by such a person can be considered truthful, nor can I trust that such a person is stable mentally. The police WILL be contacted a report WILL be filed and the letter will be kept in a safe place should any further action be taken by said cowardly person. Don’t mess with me or my family or my friends. I’m not a nice person when messed with, in fact, I’m a raving bitch.

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