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one more thing


On my last day in the city of Chicago….while cleaning up my apartment…the car was broken into and they stole the radio.

I just want to THANK YOU whoever you are for stealing that piece of shit radio…it has no station preset buttons, the only way to tune stations is to turn that shit assed knob like you’ve got nothing better to do than twist that knob and try to read the digital read out. Also, it can’t seem to keep a station tuned in either…it likes to hop from 101.1 to 101.o to 101.2 etc at will. So thank you VERY MUCH for taking that shit out of the car.

Also thank you for not taking time to look through the car and steal the two laptop computers that were on the floor in the back seat.

HOWEVER, I am totally pissed off at you for A) breaking the window and 2) taking off with my Violent Femmes CD that was still in the radio. When I got that CD I disposed of the cassette…so now I have no Femmes anymore. I’m CERTAIN you don’t appreciate the greatness that is the Violent Femmes so could you PLEASE send it back to me?

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