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Counting down

So even though I’m totally sucking at counting the points daily, I’m still losing weight. This past week I lost 2 pounds, in spite of the fact that I bought some Jewel cupcakes in celebration of the holiday weekend. As I sit here eating a small bag of Vitner’s Sour Cream ‘n Onion potato chips I can’t help but wonder…Is something wrong with their scale? I haven’t done a whole lot to change my eating habits, sure I’m trying the “drink more water” thing by having a 1 Quart (1 Liter for you metric folks) bottle of water at my desk and trying to drink the whole thing during the day…I’m trying to avoid eating out as much too. The boy and close proximity to every fast food and restaurant chain you can think of makes that rather difficult, I did manage to avoid going to Long John Silver’s this weekend by pointing out the unhealthiness of the fried fish to him…Although the other suggestion, Lone Star Steak House would have been worse. He ended up stopping at Burger King, but I prevailed by getting only a green colored cherry Icee. (damn, those are good!)
My next step is to get back to exercising. The building management for where my office is located has set up a deal with a gym down the block, however, the class hours are sucky. They have nothing in the early morning and I’m not going there after work. Last thing I need is to be getting home after 10pm. There’s a gym on the way to the train station…kinda near the house, they are open 24 hours, but I get up at 5am…which is hard enough as it is after staying up til Midnight playing EverQuest 2 trying to kill 500 goblins so that my new Froglok character can have “Hunter of Goblins” after her name. (Yes, I have no life…) And after work…well, as I pull in the driveway each day at 7pm I’m just so drained that the thought of running in place on a treadmill (or sitting on an exercise bike or doing any kind of exercise at all) totally doesn’t appeal to me. Really all I want to do is sit on my lovely couch and crochet or just watch the television. Although nothing good will be on until mid July when Battlestar Galactica starts it’s new seasion on Sci Fi.
But anyway… I found this lovely website that gives the point info for most every restaurant in the US and Canada. It’s Dotti’s Weight Loss Zone and I’m totally bummed to realize (although I already knew it wasn’t good for me) that one of my favorite places is somewhere I can never go again. My Original Grand Slam breakfast is nearly an entire day’s points (20 points to be exact). While I knew it was greasy and not that good for me, I had no idea how TOTALLY not good for me it is. Although my other favorite is a bit better, but I could make a meal based on the breadsticks alone. Eating out is a horrible thing here in America. I really need to cook more.

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