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Fun with Peeps

D&D Peeps

My friend Zes is having an Easter party and Peep show (not that kind of Peep THIS KIND.) She has asked us to create a centerpiece out of Peeps.

I decided to throw all my geek in and created a D&D themed Peep centerpiece. And I documented the process step by step.

First, I had to make my mat…I did this with a cake board. I was going to draw the grid with frosting, but I didn’t buy the tips for the tube of frosting. I tried to paint it on with brushes, but frosing doesn’t paint well on cardboard.

With the mat done, I needed to create characters…

First I made a bard…

Next I had to figure out how to give Peeps weapons… I was going to get those sword shaped toothpicks, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. So, I needed to improvise.

My Knight…

Soon to be a barbarian

The Dark Knight with his weapon

Now…to create a wizard I felt he needed a blue hat with stars and moons on it, but how to do that? Well…with chocolate of course!

Melt the blue chocolate

Dunk the bunny’s head

Add star & moon candies and Voila! You’ve got a wizard!
OK yeah, not totally the pointy hat I was going for, but it works…

Now we assemble the game. This is from the Hero’s point of view. They are entering the lair of the dark wizards who are in posession of the magical foil covered egg. The egg is protectd by Bird golums and undead (the blue bunnies – I tried painting them with a bit of black frosting to make them look dirty…like they’d been living, or un-living, underground for a while) in the way back is one of the “dark” wizards…see he’s got a dark chocolate hat with moons & stars. The plain marshmallows are columns to help provide cover.

This is from our bad guys’ point of view…

This is the critically wounded undead bunny in a room off the hallway leading to the egg chamber. Although I know you can’t crit undead it still looks cool to have an arrow in its head.

The finished product before the dice roll and the battle begins. Everyone was glued down with melted chocolate. I tried frosting but it just doesn’t stick as well as chocolate does.

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