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One More Review


So instead of watching Hell’s Kitchen last night we watched Firewall. I think I should have watched Hell’s Kitchen. What a horrible predictable movie! Harrison Ford stars as Jack Stanfield, the security manager at a bank in Seattle. Then, he and his family are kidnapped and Jack is forced to help this guy steal money, electronically, from the bank.
First, even the security specialist doesn’t have access to accounts to transfer funds. Second, it was OBVIOUS they were setting him up to take the fall for everything. Third…once you kill a goon in your kitchen and steal his cell phone, wouldn’t you CALL THE POLICE!?!
Not if you’re Harrison Ford… you then have to track down the group of badguys, find your family and singlehandedly kill them ALL.
Dude, I’d SO TOTALLY have called the police once that goon was dead on my kitchen floor and I had proof there were people forcing me to do the money transfers.
I love Harrison and all, but the guy is in his 60’s now. I find it incredibly hard to believe he’d be able to take down that young cutie with the British accent. Brit guy is like HALF HIS AGE for crying out loud. He’d totally have kicked that old man’s ass. Seriously, he should have called the police after taking down the lame goon in the kitchen.
So Firewall is one to skip…

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