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So M was in town last week. We did a whole lotta nothing. In a way it was good, but at the same time I felt a little too lazy (yes it is possible for me to feel too lazy, I know that’s hard for some of you to believe – it was hard for me to admit.)
We tried to catch King Tut at the Field, but you gotta buy tickets in advance, we took a chance and when we got there they were sold out. And there were way too many kids and people there. I much prefer the museum in the winter on a weekday when it’s nearly empty. I can’t tell you how many times I nearly was knocked over, tripped or bashed into by children who were barely waist high on me. Makes one reconsider the whole plan to be the old grandma who’s kids fight over you at Thanksgiving.
I think she enjoyed the low cost week at my house, and I think she spent way more time in one week on my deck than I have in 2 the years I’ve lived in the house.
The boy spent part of the week at GenCon. He seemed to enjoy himself alone playing a bunch of different games in Indy. Apparently there is some sort of Dio (the band) groupie role playing game. He was a guy with a club (the neck of a guitar broken on stage by Dio) chasing after satanic pigs.
Now it’s back to work, *sigh* and back to the old grind. Upon my return 3 people told me that I am not allowed to take an entire week off ever again. One person told me that they took up a collection, and they are buying me a car if I promise never to leave them ever again. Makes me wonder what LG did all week when I wasn’t here.

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