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Baby needs a new pair of shoes

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So, Satan is enjoying his new roost on top of the bookcase in my office. No one has noticed him yet. I am eagerly awaiting the shocked look on their faces once they do notice. Perhaps I CAN bring in my Happy Bunny insulting sign book.
My shoes that I usually wear to work have cracked across the sole of the right foot. I need to get new shoes. I’m not looking forward to shopping for shoes, really I just hate shopping in general. I have much more exciting things to spend my money on. BAH!
As Ms. Zesmerelda has mentioned I am joining her and Ms. Turtleherder in the NaNoWriMo. Unlike her, I prefer not to be heckled. I am aware that come Nov 29th I’ll be cranking out 50,000 words that are unedited and grammatically incorrect so as not to look like a total slacker. No heckling allowed, I work best under pressure and deadlines. No you will not see the finished product come December.
Love the new Mac commercial with PC & Mac in a therapy session. Love PC’s line, “You are good at creative things. Which are childish and useless” or something to that effect. Brilliant! Made me laugh out loud. Mr PC, John Hodgeman, has a blog you know, if you want to see it. He’s got a book out and he’s been on tour with it.

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