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So those losers at LameSpace have changed how you can search for your High School classmates. You gotta have a LameSpace page in order to narrow down the search to people you really want to find. Friggin piced of crap…

So yeah, I caved and signed in to LameSpace. NO I will not give out my LameSpace address because IT’S PRIVATE. That’s right, unless I make you my friend you can’t see it. HA!

But let me tell you, finding people on there….seriously we are SO OLD. I totally didn’t recognize two people on there at first. I find these people from my class and I’m like, “Who the HELL is that?” And then I click on their photos and see they’ve uploaded a childhood photo and then it’s like, OH MY GOD!” and yeah, I finally recognize this person. And yeah, it’s no one I wanted to find in the first place. And of course there are others where I’m like, Keith? I don’t remember ANY Keith from HS…who the hell is he? I checked some of the “older” kids… the ones a couple grades up from me. Yeah….it’s all pictures of old people I don’t recognize. But I did recognize one… very amusing… just a fatter version of the drunken drug addict from the drama club.

But on a positive note, I hooked up with a girl I used to work with back in college at the bookstore. She’s managed to keep in touch with a lot of people from the old work. Everyone is doing well, and our in-house musician who forced us to listen to Barbra Steisand’s Jingle Bells each year, he’s been the creative director for several off Broadway plays and he even gets some gigs on cruise ships! That is SO IMPRESSIVE! Naturally most of us have degrees in things we don’t do. One girl who was a Poli-sci major is now a nurse, the other is now a psychologist. It was nice to catch up and see how everyone is doing. Unfortunatley I don’t recognize anyone else on LameSpace from school. A couple people I found are gone though from the last time I checked. I wonder what happened?

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