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Train vs Car

Train vs Car
Originally uploaded by Pirate Alice.

Train always wins

Every day this week the trains have been totally fracked up on the way home. It’s enough to make me want to drive to work everyday. Today, there was a “broken rail” in Hinsdale, and then after the rail was fixed a “broken switch” at Cicero. Which caused the 5:38 train to show up at the station around 6:09 then by the time the train hit the very first stop at Lagrange, it hit a car. Yo Master D was sound asleep, snoring. I woke him up to alert him to the even longer delay we were to expect. We called people, tried to call a cab. Found someone to come get us at the Borders across the street. Yes I know a long delay killing time at Borders is hazardous to my bank account. I was able to restrain myself to only 2 books. One book I’ve been wanting for a very long time. Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. I’ve read his first book, Practical Demonkeeping. It was very funny. I can’t wait to start on this one. However, I’m still in the midde of 4th of July by James Patterson. Although I’m sure I’ll finish this very quickly.
But I digress.
It is starting to feel like there’s some sort of train/person/car accident every week. What is with people today? They KNOW that’s a commuter train crossing, they know these things run like clockwork. What is with people trying to bypass the gates? What’s the frickin hurry!? Can’t you wait the 3 minutes it takes for the train to pull up, drop people off and continue on it’s way?
We all know that when it comes down to it, you vs train…the train is gunna win. So c’mon people, just stop and wait. If you’re late…you can’t be less late by trying to beat a train. Work will still be there if you pause to let the train go through. The same can’t be said for your car if you get in the way of the train. Being late sucks, but not as much as being dead.

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