Dread Pirate Alice Rotating Header Image

Post #700


So on Friday we found that the dish network box’s hard drive crashed and it crashed hard. Friggin box lost the last few episodes of Stargate that I hadn’t watched yet. Frak!

After we salvaged the programming enough to actually watch TV, I sat on the couch with both dogs next to me when I heard crunching coming from the kitchen. I looked around for Mabel but didn’t see her. I was not willing to believe that The Schmabel was eating dog food, but after getting up and looking, yup – she was in the kitchen crunching on dog food. I said, “why are you eating dog food? is your bowl empty?” and she followed me down to her dish which was empty. I filled it and she happily started eating her own food.

This morning P-Dog was all whiny and howling in pain. He wasn’t quite limping but I could tell his hips weren’t feeling good. We suspect the injury occurred when Yo Master D sat on him when getting into bed. Poor puppy was crushed by the big bad man! P-Dog is doing a little bit better. But he’s moving very slowly, and not as energetic as he usually is, and to think he was just at the vet yesterday and they said he was doing OK.

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