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The above line was shouted today, by me, as I unpacked YET ANOTHER box loaded with books. Yes, it has been nearly 4 months since I moved and I am just now nearly able to unpack my boxes in my office. The desk is set up, the computer is finally together. But the shelves in the small bookcase are missing and there are at least 2 or 3 boxes FULL of books that need to be put somewhere.

The good thing is that in one of those boxes of books was a copy of my birth certificate. How it ended up floating loose in a box of books is beyond me, but. It has been located, I now know exactly where I put it (I think…I better check…CRAP, where did I put it!)

Anyway…I can’t belive I’ve nearly got my office set up. It’s very close to being done. And if anyone would like to borrow (or have) some books, let me know.

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