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Back Home

Originally uploaded by Pirate Alice.

So it’s been a few days that I’ve been back home, my internal clock is slowly sorting its self out. Last night we were watching TV, I remember changing the channel to the news, I remember the weather man talking…but then next thing I know Oprah is on with Denzel Washington, Yo Master D is gone, and I’m way confused. I go upstairs, he’s in bed. “You left me down there,” I say. “I told you I was going upstairs,” he says. I totally don’t remember that conversation. The other night I tried watching Hogfather on some channel I never heard of. I remember it all starting up and the chick with the black patch of hair, but next thing I know it’s over, credits are rolling. I’m getting bored with this falling asleep in the middle of things. Nearly happened again today in the marathon vendor meeting I had to sit through. Dude needs to bring caffinated beverages rather than just donuts and cookies. And I keep waking up before the alarm goes off. On the Friday after Thanksgiving I woke up at like 6:45am. I was totally awake too, no going back to sleep for me. So by the time we saw the tree lit up in Daley plaza I was ready to pass out.

And for the record… if you ever grab my camera and screw around taking random shots of things…be warned. The crazy upside down shot of yourself WILL be posted to my blog for all the world to see.

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