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2010 and the sickness

So sick

Ungh… I got to spend my new year with Michael Westen, Sam Axe and Fiona Glenanne. That’s right I was home on New Years Eve watching the Burn Notice marathon. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I had several party invitations. It’s just that I was horribly sick all week long. On Wednesday I was determined to make myself well so I could attend my dear friend Kate’s birthday party for New Years. I knew it would be a wonderful time and I haven’t seen her in much too long. I was certain I’d be better by Thursday. However, by about 3pm on Wednesday a new and very unpleasant symptom emerged. I was hopeful it was just something I ate that did not agree with me, but as I tried to figure out what it could have been that I’d eaten I realized that I haven’t eaten much of anything that could disagree with me. Chicken soup, chicken pot-pie, toast, crackers, applesauce…. none of these things could cause THAT. Then yet another night of non-stop coughing in bed until 4am. Giving up and sitting on the couch until 8am and finally falling asleep for 2 uninterrupted hours of sleep. Yeah, Thursday morning I just knew going anywhere would be a very bad idea indeed. Fortunately Michael and Sam were on to keep me entertained. I flipped to BBC America in time to catch Graham Norton’s New Year’s Eve show, followed by his two Dr Who specials. I caught a glimpse of Dick Clark (he does not look well) and then saw Janet Davies count down to the new year in Chicago. All the while coughing and hacking up a lung or two.

Allow me to tell you how NOT to get sick. Don’t leave your house…EVER. Don’t let anyone from outside into your house. Hose everything down with Lysol before it enters your home. And for God’s sake, if you see any children, RUN! FLEE! They are walking Petri dishes of germs and sickness! I was doing so well until I went out and became social the past two weeks. Never again will I leave my home, it’s just not safe out there.


  1. Michy Kant says:

    But the germs can get inside from tiny cracks that we don’t see, I’d suggest some more technical protective equipment to screen our body from viruses.

  2. Tammy says:

    An alternative plan is to socialize more & build up a tolerance to little kid germs. After all, you need to be strong when your niece visits.

    Sorry you’re sick, though, that sucks.

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