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Me with my first friend ever, David, at our 20 year reunion

Last night on twitter someone mentioned she had lost a very good friend. Then I saw the tweets following that with people mentioning how they hadn’t realized how many lives this person had touched. Followed by tweets saying to hug the people you love, and tell them how much they mean to you. It’s sad that it usually takes some kind of tragedy or major life shattering event for us to appreciate the people in our lives. Over the past few years I’ve learned how important it is to have good friends around you, who support you and listen and truly care about you. I can only hope that I’m half the friend for them as they have  been for me.

My friends: Karen, Janine & Tammy

I believe everyone is in our life for a reason. Whether it is to show us who we can be or teach us who we don’t want to be, every single person that enters our lives is important.  Good or bad, we need to embrace all the people we know and thank them for being who they are and teaching us what we need to know. Whether the person is in our life for 20 years or 20 days, they teach us something.  They start a chain of events that can totally alter our lives, good or bad. This includes bosses, co-workers, ex-boyfriends and even the cashier at the grocery store. Life is made up of so many different kinds of relationships and interactions with others. We need to watch and learn from each encounter.

Sam & Nick

It's great when your family can be your best friend (my sis & her hubby)

It makes me so sad to hear when friendships fail. I know sometimes it happens, and it has happened to me in the past. As I’ve been told by a very important person, all relationships have conflict, it’s how we resolve that conflict that makes the relationship stronger and more valuable to us. A relationship without conflict, may not last long at all and then we may wonder what went wrong, why didn’t it work out. I’m learning to examine every relationship and trying to figure out why that person was brought into my life. Everyone is so important to me I don’t want to lose any of them. To think that anyone could just walk away from a long time friendship, it really saddens me. Maintaining a friendship or even a romantic relationship is work. Whether it is doing the work to keep in touch, or working through every difficult moment of a fight or disagreement, the work needs to be done to keep the relationship alive.

Will and Kate

This weekend I got to watch two very important people marry their best friend. I was so happy for them. It’s difficult to find a real partner for life. I think Will & Kate have found their true life partner in each other. I hope everyone can be as happy as Will & Kate are right now.

So, I ask you all to embrace the people in your life. Tell them how much they mean to you, how much you love each and every one of them. Don’t wait for the shit to hit the fan before you show your appreciation to the people around you. You may not get a chance later.


  1. Nikki says:

    Great post, Patty. I wanted to write something witty and thought-provoking here, but it sounded trite so… Anyway, I have no doubt you are indeed the friend that you want to be. And for that, your friends are lucky to have you.

    1. dreadpiratealice says:

      Thanks Nikki!

    1. lacabezaG says:

      @Piratealice What an excellent post, PA! Thanks for counting me among your friends. I am richer for it. Love the photos. They show joy.

      1. Piratealice says:

        @lacabezaG thanks!!

      2. Piratealice says:

        @lacabezaG I had so many more pictures I wanted to include. not enough space.

    2. georgehayman says:

      @Zesmerelda Yarrrrr I did me Pirate talking up until midnight… but I can’t stop… it is quite Arrrrrrrrrrrgrivating!

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