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The latest happenings

News in the Dude Upstairs Poll.  With a total of 19 votes cast, it appears most people feel he is using the toilet (7 votes), followed by the sammich (6 votes). The single “other” vote was for “cleaning up” and possibly getting the screamer a glass of water.

Violet close up

Hello there!

In other news…well, there really isn’t any other news. Sam & Violet came to celebrate my 2nd annual 39th birthday last week. Photos of Violet can be seen on my Flickr Stream.

It was a joy to have both Violet and Sam here visiting. Violet’s giggles are the best medicine. And Sam’s sense of humor is always a welcome distraction from the trials of life.

MadhouseThis week, thanks to the beautiful JZ, I got to enjoy a Blackhawks game from some fantastic seats. They even won the game. If you were watching you may have seen me, I was the one in the stands wearing the Hawks jersey.  😉

Honestly, that’s all that is going on here. Not much to report. But I wanted to share some photos.  Enjoy!


  1. Sister M says:

    Aww, shucks… glad you were free to join me! (And willing to tolerate all my squeeing over being there for the first time…)

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