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Reverb 10 – Friendship

I’ve fallen behind again so this time around I’ve picked one prompt to answer. And I’m going to “go there” I’m going to answer it fully and honestly.

Friendship How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?

The person who changed my perspective on the world this year is no longer a friend. The change was a sudden burst…more like a slap in the face actually. She showed me that I had been ignoring things that I didn’t want to see, because I didn’t want to believe that any friend of mine would be that cruel or do something so selfish. I was projecting my own moral compass onto her, expecting her to think the same way I do and to act the same way I would in a certain situation.

This has helped me to realize that I can’t expect everyone I know to have the same scruples I do. I can’t expect my friends to all act with the same principles and ethics that I have. I can only expect myself to make decisions and react in an acceptable way that is worthy of me. I can only expect myself to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Tough lesson to learn, not all people have the same level of integrity that  I expect from myself. But I’ve learned it now and perhaps moving forward my eyes will be open so that I don’t get slapped again.

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