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Things to come

Yeah, I got bored with the Reverb prompts. I may go back and write them in my private journal (the one with pen and paper…ya know, “blogging old skool style”) we’ll see. Many of the prompts just weren’t things I wanted to publicly write about.

Something I WOULD like to write about though is the inspiration I got from my friend Bill to make a list of 40 things I want to do in my 40th year. I am just now starting the list, but keep your eyes open for my list.

We’ll see what else I can come up with for this space. I need to find something more interesting to write about here for sure. Even I am bored.


  1. Sister M says:

    Do you have to do all 40 in your 40th year? Or just 40 things that, at this point in your life, you would like to accomplish?

    My page needs some work, too. I was thinking of asking LaCa for a page makeover…

    1. dreadpiratealice says:

      Well, yeah you do all 40 things in the 40th year, hence “40 things to do in my 40th year list” the look of my page is fine, I just need to work on CONTENT… I tend to only write when I’m depressed or angry… and I need to get in the habit of writing about things that people would actually WANT to read… cuz this is frickin Lame. You may want to discuss the page change with T too… she helped me set all this up.

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