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My amazing coolness


As the debate rages on over what to name the gnome, I thought I should take a moment to share this email with you. A co-worker was emailing with one of our sales people about works stuff, she mentioned in passing that I said the sales person was a great guy and that she was looking forward to getting a chance to work with him. This is the reply she recieved and then forwarded on to me:

I LOVE Pirate Alice*! She is my “Oprah” at Place Where I Work*. She is every woman. In fact, I’d like to see Oprah do PA’s job for a day. I bet you she couldn’t! That makes PA more impressive than Oprah. She may just surprise you all and give everyone at Place Where I Work a Pontiac G6 for Christmas this year. Wouldn’t surprise me.

So you may want to start laying subtle hints of color around PA’s desk. You know, … a few of those pretty paint chips from Lowe’s or Home Depot’s paint department. Maybe start to point out things that are of the same color that you like, whenever you see PA in the hallways!! Otherwise, you may just get stuck with a free, neon green Pontiac G6 and you wouldn’t want that now would you? Sure, you’d be easy to spot in traffic on Dearborn or Wacker, but who really wants that kind of attention these days?

(*Names of me and where I work have been changed…since ya know, this is the internet and all.)

I just want to say that I have NO IDEA what I did or said to this guy to make him gush about me in such a way…I guess I just have that sort of effect on people. My coolness just oozes through the phone lines. However, note to all, I will NOT be buying anyone at the Place Where I Work any kind of car… I can barely afford the one I have.

The Roaming Gnome

The Roaming Gnome
Originally uploaded by Pirate Alice.

Name Game

I have been told the Gnome needs a name. So far there is a vote for Howard, and a vote for Nigel. I’m leaning toward Nigel.

Does he look like a Nigel?

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