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What are you watching?

Last night I caught the show Top Gear on BBC America. In this show, the 3 presenters came to America and were challenged with buying a car for $1,000 rather than renting one. And the wackiness ensues from there. They drive in their heaps of crap from Miami to New Orleans. Going through Alabama with their cars “decorated”. It was the funniest thing I’ve seen and it makes America look like a horrible place to go visit. But I laughed harder than I have at any show in a long time. Watch for that episode to re-run this week, cuz I’m sure it will.

I’ve finally caught up on all episodes of Damages. The season finale (and possibly series finale) is tonight. DAMN this show is riveting! I can’t wait! Is anyone else watching this show?

Mad Men is another show that I found amazing. It’s been renewed for another season, thank you! If you haven’t watched you really need to find it either online or hopefully they’ll put season one on DVD and you can rent/buy it and watch it. It is so well done!

And last night’s How I Met Your Mother had me laughing out loud! This show rocks. I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to watching a sitcom in a long long time.

So… what are you watching? What awesome shows am I missing?

Guitar Hero!

Stars in my eyes

I got Guitar Hero 2 yesterday, and so far I’ve been able to rock out to most of the songs, on the Easy level. One song is just crazy frickin hard. It’s the Van Halen song, “You Really Got Me”. How can they put that under anything OTHER than Expert? Dude, my fingers can not move nearly as fast as Eddie Van Halen’s and all I’m doing is pushing buttons, not contorting my fingers around to press strings with one hand and strum or pluck them with the other. That song is INSANE!

But I did manage to rock out to songs I have never heard before. There’s one called “Woman” by the band Wolfmother that was actually pretty easy to do, except the guitar solo which, I have been having trouble with. My timing seems to be off when I try to hit some of those “notes”. I also got to rock out to Salvation from Rancid. Yea, another song I never heard before. But it was pretty easy, at least on the easy setting

I was also able to do pretty good with the Toadies’ Song, Possum Kingdom. And now it has been stuck in my head and I can’t get it out.

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